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The Ziegenfelder Company located in Wheeling, WV has been producing the all-time classic “Twin Pop” for 40 years. However, the product was branded as “Budget Saver.” In an effort to reposition the brand as more than just a value buy, and to connect the name to the highly recognizable product, we decided to change the name to Twin Pops and greatly de-emphasize Budget Saver. As a company with a nationally distributed product in retailers like Walmart and Kroger needing to support a re-invented brand with a modest marketing budget, we knew we had to be very different with our creative in order to stand out. Our answer was to create :15 videos to run in a paid social media ad campaign using claymation production. The videos were meant to be random, quirky and memorable with a “what did I just see” reaction. In the process, we also began telling the story of the Twin Pops mascot, Cherry Larry, starting at birth. This one-two punch drove up brand awareness and generated a 73% increase in ad recall year over year.